Chrissy Presents Cheque To Lady McAdden Trust

February 15, 2024

Chrissy Presents Cheque To Lady McAdden Trust

Christine Nichols, Unity’s Executive Chairwoman, presented a cheque for £1000 to Ester Taylor, CEO of Lady McAdden, this week on behalf of the London Freight Club (LFC).

As the club’s Lady Chairman, Christine was passing on a share of funds that were raised by LFC members during their November and December charity lunches.

The Lady McAdden Trust was named in honour of Lady Dorothy McAdden and opened the UK’s first breast screening unit at Southend Hospital in 1976. With the NHS now providing breast screening services, the trust has evolved its services to support the early detection of breast cancer, through advice, education, and assisting with breast pain and breast health.

Christine is a trustee of this charity and is always keen to raise funds and awareness, having previously undergone surgery and treatment for breast cancer herself.

One in seven women in the UK will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, and every year about 55,000 women are diagnosed with the disease in the UK. The cancer is more common in women who are aged 50 and over, but can affect men too.

Christine would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone that donated.

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